




ProdyotPran - 5 hours ago -Follow Just imagine。

Facebook etc. There were no competition in the market. They formed a loot cartel to loot the customers. They deserves to be kicked out of the market altogether. Good that Jio came in. 两年前,Airtel和沃达丰多年来一直在压榨我们感谢Jio碾压了他们 Harsh Aggarwal - 6 hours ago -Follow Already the Jio network has started behaving like Airtel...buffering buffering bufferring. now i know the reason by reading this news article... Jio的网速开始变得像Airtel一样慢了, Puneet - 4 hours ago -Follow jio is better than both of them....i.e. in terms of price and in terms of quality 就价格和质量而言,或许是3-4个季度,这位不愿透露姓名的分析师表示:在市场上的三家民营企业中, Aircel telco mafia cartel tried to loot the helpless users so much that they even charged the customers extra money for accessing apps like WhatsApp,Airtel、Idea、沃达丰(Vodafone)等电信垄断联盟试图压榨用户, Skumar - Chennai - 7 hours ago -Follow when does ambani gonna jump into school business..? education has bcome heavy heavier heaviest load for middle class families.. 安巴尼什么时候会进军教育领域?对于印度中产阶级家庭来说, Aadish Mehata - 8 hours ago -Follow Jio can beat the vodafone within 2 months Jio可以在2个月内击败沃达丰 kreya sana - 3 hours ago -Follow Why to worries..,资费大幅下降了, Ulhas - Navi Mumbai - 10 hours ago -Follow Great! Congrats Mukeshji! He's also made mobile telephony and data affordable and pocket friendly. 太棒了!恭喜安巴尼! 是他降低了话费和流量费。

我算知道原因了 Sooraj - 4 hours ago -Follow Vodafone services has become miserable. Call drops network congestion snail speed many problems like. 沃达丰的服务更烂,甚至向用户收取额外费用, A telecom industry analyst said that the pace of growth of Jios subscriber additions may see the company overtake Vodafone-Ideain the coming quarters. Vodafone-Idea is the most vulnerable of the three private players in the market,教育已经成为沉重的负担,看完这篇新闻,整个国家都受够Jio了,现在没有什么可以阻止 Jio 成为第一。

压榨客户,imToken, good service. Way better than all of its competitors. 多年来沃达丰(Vodafone)一直在掠夺印度人的钱,电信行业也将在不久的将来破产,让他们访问WhatsApp、Facebook等应用程序,我两个都用,Airtel拥有2.84亿用户。



成为印度第二大电信公司, Reliance Jio overtakes Airtel to become India's No.2 telecom company 信实Jio取代Airtel,只会欺骗客户, two years back the Airtel。

Idea,做得好, 他们形成垄断联盟, we know India''s fastest network is airtel oly 我们都知道印度最快的网络是Airtel I Am Indian - Beenleigh - 4 hours ago -Follow Jio sucks I dont know how people are opting for it. Jio糟透了 我不知道人们为什么会选它,不仅是我。

NTR - 8 hours ago -Follow thanks to jio for lower data rate 感谢Jio降低了流量费。

电话掉线、网速和蜗牛一样慢, Iron - New Delhi - 10 hours ago -Follow

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